Important Information

  • BOCHK All Weather HKD Money Market Fund (the “Sub-Fund”) is a Sub-Fund of BOCHK Wealth Creation Series.
  • The Sub-Fund is to preserve capital and provide an investment vehicle for the investor to seek returns in Hong Kong Dollar in line with the prevailing money market rates available from a managed portfolio of short term and high quality or investment grade money market investments, while offering ready availability of monies.
  • Investment involves risks. The Sub-Fund involves significant risks including but not limited to investment risk, market risk, risks relating to money market instruments/ debt securities, risks associated with bank deposits and restrictions of the Sub-Fund’s on redemptions, concentration risk, currency risk, and risks relating to financial derivative instruments and hedging, etc. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of the Sub-Fund can be volatile. Investors may not get back the full amount of capital invested or may suffer significant loss.
  • Investors should not solely rely on this website to make any investment decision. Please refer to the Explanatory Memorandum and the relevant appendix in detail (including the full text of risk factors stated therein) about the Sub-Fund. If you have any questions about the information of this website, please seek independent professional advice.

Investment Objectives

The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to preserve capital and provide an investment vehicle for the investor to seek returns in Hong Kong Dollar in line with the prevailing money market rates available from a managed portfolio of short term and high quality or investment grade money market investments, while offering ready availability of monies.

Fund Information

Fund Manager BOCHK Asset Management Limited
Fund Size HKD 9594.46 Million (As of 31 May 2024)
Launch Date 9 February 2023
Base Currency HKD
Dealing Frequency Daily
NAV calculation frequency Daily
Dividend Distribution* Currently no distribution
Redemption Fee** Nil
Management Fee** 0.20% p.a.
Class Class A1
Minimum Investment (Initial) HKD
Minimum Investment (Additional) HKD
Bloomberg ID BKAWHA1 HK
ISIN HK0000897014

* Please refer to the fund documents of the respective funds/ sub-funds for details.
** The fees and charges may also be increased up to maximum level as specified in the fund document by giving at least one month's prior notice to investors. Please refer to the fund document for further details.

Past Performance – Calendar Year


Historical Fund Price
Fund Documents:
Fund Factsheet (Available in English and Traditional Chinese)
Explanatory Memorandum and Appendix (Available in English and Traditional Chinese)
Product Key Facts (Available in English and Traditional Chinese)
2023 Annual Report(Available in English and Traditional Chinese)
2023 Interim Report (Available in English and Traditional Chinese)

Important Notice

Investment in funds/sub-funds may involve risks and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should read carefully the relevant fund documents for details including but not limited to the risk factors before making any investment decisions. Printed copies of the fund documents or other information of the funds/sub-funds are available from the distributors of the respective funds/sub-funds and BOCHK Asset Management Limited. The above information does not constitute any offer or recommendation to implement or liquidate an investment or to carry out any other transaction. It should not be used as a basis for any investment decision or other decision. Any investment decision should be based on appropriate professional advice specific to the investors' needs.

Market risk

  • The Sub-Fund’s investment portfolio may fall in value due to any of the key risk factors below and therefore your investment in the Sub-Fund may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal or dividend or distribution payments.

Risks relating to money market instruments/debt securities

  • Short-term instruments risk: As the Sub-Fund invests significantly in short-term instruments with short maturities, it means the turnover rates of the Sub-Fund’s investments may be relatively high and the transaction costs incurred as a result of the purchase or sale of short-term instruments may also increase which in turn may have a negative impact on the Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund.
  • Credit/counterparty risk: Investment in debt securities or money market instruments is subject to the credit/default risk of the issuers and guarantors (if applicable) of the debt securities or money market instruments that the Sub-Fund may invest in, which may be unable or unwilling to make timely payments on principal and/or interest.
  • Interest rate risk: Investment in the Sub-Fund is subject to interest rate risk. Generally, the prices of debt securities rise when interest rates fall, vice versa.
  • Volatility and liquidity risk: The debt securities or money market instruments in certain countries/regions that the Sub-Fund invests in may be subject to higher volatility and lower liquidity compared to more developed markets. The price of debt securities or money market instruments traded in such markets may be subject to fluctuations. The bid and offer spreads of the price of such debt securities or money market instruments may be large and the Sub-Fund may incur significant trading costs.
  • Downgrading risk: Investment/recognized grade instruments or their issuers and/or their guarantors (if applicable) may be subject to the risk of being downgraded. In the event of downgrading, the value of the Sub-Fund may be adversely affected. The Manager may or may not be able to dispose of the instruments which (or the issuers or the guarantors of which) are being downgraded.
  • Sovereign debt risk: The Sub-Fund’s investment in debt securities issued or guaranteed by governments may be exposed to political, social and economic risks. In adverse situations, the sovereign issuers may not be able or willing to repay the principal and/or interest when due or may request the Sub-Fund to participate in restructuring such debts. The Sub-Fund may suffer significant losses when there is a default of sovereign debt issuers.
  • Valuation risk: Valuation of the Sub-Fund’s investments may involve uncertainties and judgmental determinations. If such valuations should prove to be incorrect, this may affect the Net Asset Value of the Sub-Fund.
  • Risk related to credit ratings: Credit ratings assigned by rating agencies are subject to limitations and do not guarantee the creditworthiness of the instrument, issuer and/or guarantor (as applicable) at all times.
  • Credit rating agency risk: The credit appraisal system in Mainland China and the rating methodologies employed in Mainland China may be different from those employed in other markets. Credit ratings given by rating agencies in Mainland China may therefore not be directly comparable with those given by other international rating agencies.

Risks associated with bank deposits

  • Bank deposits are subject to the credit risks of the relevant financial institutions. The Sub-Fund may also place deposits in non-resident accounts and offshore accounts with banks in Mainland China. The Sub-Fund’s deposit may not be protected by any deposit protection schemes, or the value of the protection under the deposit protection schemes may not cover the full amount deposited by the Sub-Fund. Therefore, if the relevant financial institution defaults, the Sub-Fund may suffer losses as a result.

Risks associated with the Sub-Fund’s restrictions on redemptions

  • Redemption of Units may be subject to a restriction of (i) HK$10,000 (or equivalent in the class currency) for a single individual investor of Class S Units on a Dealing Day under extreme market conditions and/or (ii) 10% of the total number of Units of the Sub-Fund in issue on a Dealing Day (in respect of all Unit Classes). Therefore, such investors may not be able to redeem all holdings in the Sub-Fund on a single Dealing Day. Where this redemption restriction is imposed continuously, the period for an investor to fully redeem his holdings may be prolonged, and the investor will be subject to liquidity risks.

Concentration risk

  • The Sub-Fund will invest significantly in Hong Kong Dollar-denominated, or denominated in other currencies and hedged to Hong Kong Dollars, and settled short-term deposits, high quality money market instruments (including high quality and short term debt securities) and/or money market funds. Investments in any country or region (e.g. China (onshore and offshore markets), etc.) may also be concentrated from time to time depending on the Manager’s assessment of the market conditions at different times. The value of the Sub-Fund may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diversified portfolio of assets. The value of the Sub-Fund may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory event affecting the relevant markets in any specific country or region.

Currency risk

  • The Sub-Fund’s investments may be quoted in currencies other than the Sub-Fund’s base currency (Hong Kong Dollar). The Sub-Fund’s value may fluctuate favourably or unfavourably in response to fluctuations in exchanges rates between such currencies and the Hong Kong Dollar and by changes in exchange rate controls.

Risks relating to financial derivative instruments and hedging

  • Risks associated with financial derivative instruments include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. The leverage element/component of a financial derivative instrument can result in a loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the financial derivative instrument by the Sub-Fund. Exposure to financial derivative instruments may lead to a high risk of significant loss by the Sub-Fund.
  • There can be no assurance that any currency hedging strategy will fully and effectively eliminate the currency exposure of the Sub-Fund. Hedging strategies may preclude investors from benefiting from an increase in the value of the Sub-Fund’s base currency.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions as set out on, you shall be deemed as users of this Site and acknowledge that you are responsible for ensuring that the legislation applicable to you in your jurisdiction permits you to consult this Site and you represent and warrant that you have the necessary means and skills to access this Site and use it in the intended manner only. The Terms and Conditions are subject to change without prior notice; and you should conduct your own verification of the information contained herein. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the respective fund documents for further information, including but not limited to the risk factors before investing. Printed copies of the fund documents or other information of the funds/sub-funds are available from the distributors of the respective funds/sub-funds and BOCHK Asset Management Limited. The above information does not constitute any offer or recommendation to implement or liquidate an investment or to carry out any other transaction. Investors should not solely rely on this Site to make any investment decision or any other decision. Any investment decision should be based on appropriate professional advice specific to the investors' needs. The advertisement contained herein has been issued by BOCHK Asset Management Limited and has not been reviewed by SFC.

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